Saturday, August 14, 2021

meaningless dreams?

I regularly dream. Most are forgotten within minutes of waking up. Some dreams are memorable. Some -- no doubt -- are susceptible to deep and meaningful interpretation :-)

I've been telling Deb that we need a dog. I'm dreaming that I walk into a family gathering. There is the new family dog. His name, I'm told, is Prindiville. I say, Hello Prindiville. The dog barks and jumps round in excitement. I repeat the name, very quietly.

Okay, it's a wish-fulfilment dream... it's not going to happen. Still... If we do get a dog -- at least I already know its name :-)

I'm dreaming that I'm in a room with a window which overlooks Paris. The hotel housekeeper asks me if there's anything I want. I ask... Where do I go for breakfast? It will be brought to your room, she tells me. We are both speaking in French. Which... in the dream... I understand.
I wake up... hungry and still thinking about breakfast.

A few minutes later I realise that the "hotel" room is familiar! It is very much like a room I stayed in in Brixton London, in 1970. A relative's house. There was even a housekeeper who prepared breakfast, though she lived in the basement level and I never met her. No deep meaning to the dream, just a very distant memory.

I'm dreaming that I'm walking... past a rocket which is parked beside the road. I climb into the pilot seat, the leg room is cramped. I think, if we fly to Mars then this could get uncomfortable. I take off and fly a couple of hundred feet above the ground... Memories of the days when I flew a light plane (Until I fly the rocket off into space.

This dream could have meaning! Wanting to escape? Reading too much science fiction? Inspired by recent flights into "space". With, perhaps -- my own desire to fly to Mars. My desire to escape is not limited by reality :-)

On a more feasible desire to escape: Deb and I are considering a short holiday. I'm having difficulty working out details:

Deb works several days a week, a holiday needs to fit into the non-working days. There are regular days with the family, we don't want to interfere with those. We want to avoid a holiday with the crowds of children on school holidays. One day a week is weekly shopping and running. Some weekends are rogaines or special orienteering events or trail run weekends. Oh, and brain scans could upset the best-laid plans...

It's difficult to set dates for a holiday. And we still cannot decide where we want to go, on whatever dates are suitable.
Oh well... a work in progress ... :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Question authority. Don't expect to like the answer." ... per Ginger Meggs


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