Tuesday, August 10, 2021

win one, not win one

As I fold and sort a basket-load of washing I think, there must be some truth in my claim that it takes months to get over brain surgery.

Because today I am feeling so much better :-)

Sorting washing? Yes!

I do the washing, the laundry. It's a task within my normal capabilities. And yet... for the last few months it is beyond me.

I look at a load of freshly washed clothes. Pick something out. And can't work out how to fold it. Fold a shirt? I can't even work out which is the front. I've passed this task on to Deb.

And now -- yes, it's been several months since my head was last opened and closed. And today... finally... sorting the washing is so very easy.

Definitely a milestone :-)

The subject line of this post was almost, Win one lose one. But the next point is not really a loss. Just not a win:

I read about "prisms" which, apparently can shift the light from my blind patch to where I can see. Sounds useful.

Today I speak with the optometrist...

Yes, a special prism can be attached to glasses. So something off to my left can be projected nearer the middle of my eyes, so I can see it.

Except for two problems.

One, the shift is very small.

And two... The eyes and brain notice something odd... and begin to adjust. With the final result... the eye plus brain act to counter the benefit of the prism. The final effect is... no improvement.

My best bet is still, to learn to look carefully.

I'm getting better. I don't walk into very much. Unless I relax my vigilance... :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Question authority. Don't expect to like the answer." ... per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at https://notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com/ :-)

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