I claim to be coping, or accepting, or possibly denying problems due to imminent death by cancer.
coping strategies involve both laughing and swearing.
I notice a trail of dried spilt breakfast stuck on my shirt.
I laugh.
another cup of tea gets cold because I lack the energy to
sit forward to pick it up to drink. I drink it cold and laugh. or try but fail to sit up and swear.
I put something down then laugh or swear when I can't see it again.
lots of research finds that swearing is an effective aid to concentration.
deb does not like my swearing.
I ask her what else I could do to indicate that I am making an effort to cope.
perhaps I could mutter, iI'm feeling unsteady but it's okay, I'll just grip this wall a bit firmer..... or smile and pretend I don't care.
hours later I wake up and realise that I will laugh... or swear... depending on how I feel at the time.
Because I never lie.
not just this blog, which is as honest and complete as I can make it.
but in life. I cannot lie.
not that I do not. I can not.
I can misdirect with carefully poor phrasing.But I cannot deliberately lie.
when I swear it is because wearing is my honest reaction. anything else would be a lie.
so... there will be swearing.
If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer
dying for you to read it :-)
Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper
dying for you to read it :-)
Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper
Well put mate you have got to be yourself.