Monday, January 13, 2025

psychologist bullshit

this post is really about me as a collapsed narcissist: 
as a narcissist, I know things.
it annoys me when people refuse to listen. 

today, for the umpteenth time, someone suggests that I could talk to a really nice psychologist that they know. 
to which I reply, mostly politely,  so why the fuck would I do that. 
the psychologist would help me deal with my issues.  really? 
so what the fuck have I been doing-- by myself -- for the last several years. "deal with" as in "cope" -- a word which I use very often. 

first,  I have clearly stated, to deb and in this blog, that I could tick all the boxes for clinical depression. it started before cancer -- it started when I stopped working. 
I like to do things that people want me to do, employment provides that. 

now I have an app which I need to "sell" not something I can do. 

will  this nice psychologist get me employed.  or finish app development and selling. No? well what would be the fucking point. 

deal with issues? without solving any of the issues? fucking waste of time. 

I don't need a psychologist to talk me through something which I have been doing -- by myself -- for years. 
ie going from depression to coping... dealing with. 

in a full definition of narcissist, I know things-- and I want people to believe that I know things..
in this case I know how a psychologist would talk me from depression to coping.
in fact I've already done it.
but no one gives a shit about what I know and what I can and have already done. 
did anyone even notice that I am already "coping"?

being ignored... my knowing things and my knowledge being ignored... makes me fucking angry. 

and that is the "collapsing" that goes with my narcissism. 

If all else fails -- get a bigger hammer

dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper


1 comment:

  1. I agree that you a coping much better than most people would. I agree that you don't need to see a psychologist. I reckon the only person, beside yourself, to fully understand the situation is Deb. Listen to her.
