Saturday, March 23, 2019

ain't no such thing as...

i'm still feeling crook, physically. but emotionally, a lot better.

physical: tired, hot & cold, indigestible.

i spend a lot of the day feeling tired. sitting, sleeping, resting. yet when deb rousts me out of the house... i'm better. this afternoon i walk 4km though yes, i am tired at the end.

there ain't no such thing as a ... dry shirt:

i run hot & cold. at the end of the walk, for example, i am still very, very cold. i sit in the car, heater on full, to stop getting colder. eventually, with dinner, i warm up... straight into sweating. with varying levels of blankets and jumpers i sort myself out. it's no use putting on a dry shirt, it will soon be soaked in sweat. i just add a wool jumper when i cool down again.

i lack enthusiasm for eating. if i do not eat, my stomach starts feeling tense, upset. then there is reflux. a burning pain, mild at first. problem is solved by cool water or food.

so i eat a small meal, as several helpings. slowly. then eat a snack, something different, as soon as my stomach feels uncomfortable. a scone or two, that sort of thing, every couple of hours. or, overnight, regular glasses of water. this all seems to work.

breakfast is tricky... if i take too long preparing my breakfast my stomach gets upset. tonight i have left half a snack half prepared, ready for tomorrow. it should be ready to eat with just a very short -- and easy -- time to prepare.

as i learn to cope -- i feel happier.

there is no pain. the reflux hurts but i seem to have controlled, minimised, its effects. okay, there are months more of this treatment, it could get worse. but it may not.

best of all... i'm ali-i-ive !! hah ! take that, you epidemiological statisticians :-)

uncomfortable. ready to grumble. not worrying too much about future possibilities.

and that's about as close as i can get to describing my current status.

====    Dr Nick Lethbridge  /  Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"I think and think, for months, for years. Ninety-nine times the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right." … Einstein

dying for you to read my blog: :-)

1 comment:

  1. Getting rid of the uncomfortable feeling would be good.
