Tuesday, March 19, 2019

what a shemozzle

monday night: i'm back at the hospital, overnight, waiting for yet another iv drip. this time for a possible infection. as if :-(

the day starts well. time for a bit of shopping. a good lunch, a sleep. then off to the cancer doc for... i guess it's a progress report, an update. all good. side effects are a very minor stomach discomfort -- but i enjoy a good dinner -- and the usual fatigue. none of the scary stuff.

then across the corridor to the ivy clinic. half an hour waiting then an hour for the half hour drip. it's always slow, what with checking and pausing between stages. also as usual, the room is cold. very cold. i come out feeling fine but cold.

i eat and enjoy a good dinner. lie on the couch to watch tv. get colder and colder and colder. deb turns off the fan. i add jumpers and blankets. too late... soon i am shivering and shaking uncontrollably.

except for the extreme shivering, this is quite normal for me. i eat, i rest, i get cold. then warm up after an hour or so. tonight is just on the extreme side of normal.

my temperature reaches 39.1... now i'm feeling hot :-( deb phones the ivy clinic, no-one answers. 24 hour emergency number? failed. i think she phones the main hospital, they get someone to answer.

the cancer doc is called, we can't call her directly, she calls back. take panadol, wait an hour, she says. we do that, temperature drops to 38.3 (i think), still too high. we are told to drive to the wards that are part of the ivy/ cancer centre.

we check in. temperature still too high. room bloody freezing cold. i'm alternating between very cold and dripping sweat. again, this is normal for me, i have very poor temperature control, especially when cold.

ward doctor wants to put in an antibiotic via drip feed. i seem to have convinced him that iv is not necessary. as punishment he prescibes a massive tablet, takes a while to get it down. and a nurse takes a blood sample.

 temperature now 37.1, is that near normal? i think so.

settling in to a night in a strange room. no deb :-( but i'll sleep, when the "excitement" has faded. cocoa and cheese & crackers for supper. not really hungry but the cocoa is nice. i missed dessert at home -- home made golden syrup pudding. i was looking forward to that :-(

i'm feeling... no worse than usual :-) tired. running hot and cold. probably did not need to leave home at all. but, just in case, it's nice to be in a place where i can be told -- with reasonable reliability -- that it's all okay. it may upset deb but -- i hope -- less upsetting than watching me mumble and grumble all night.

panic passed. as far as i can tell. but... what a shemozzle !

====    Dr Nick Lethbridge  /  Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution." … Einstein

dying for you to read my blog: notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com.au :-)

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