Tuesday, March 19, 2019

more positive view

tuesday morning, still in hospital. recovered?

i spend the night -- till 6am -- sleeping soundly. despite being on very damp towels, changed once or twice, because i'm sweating. the sheet and pillow underneath are worse, that's why i'm on a towel. a towel feels more comfortable when wet. every hour or so i get up to pee. then fall asleep again very quickly.

strange. during these sleep hours the room temperature is comfortable. warm enough for just a light blanket. now i'm awake, the room feels cool. i have pulled up several blankets to keep warm. is the air con shifting to daytime? is it me?

i may need to rethink my cause-and-effect for feeling cold.

i sleep till i'm woken by a nurse at 6am. eat the biscuits and cheese from last night. drink water, get another cocoa (milo). answer questions... we don't have your file, they say. in the ivy clinic, part of this same cancer centre, one floor below, i suggest. but that is a world away. i'm guessing that ward and clinic are two separate kingdoms with no casual communication.

i provide a "mid stream" urine sample, tricky. pee a bit, stop. pee in a jar, stop. finish peeing. did i stop too soon? am i still too soon for mid stream? what if i pee too much and have nothing left for the jar? i pee something into the jar. good enough.

temperature now 35.something, from fever to mild chill. expected, says the nurse. cured, i think. i still have an intermittent headache at 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. low on fluid or salt, i would say. like recovering from a hot sweaty run.

default breakfast arrives. there will be pills later, antibiotic just in case and panadol or similar against fever. possible checkout? 8:30 or nine at the earliest, after doctors arrive. deb is on her own for a full day with the grandson. we hope that she/they will pick me up eventually. i say, set a time to suit child minding. i can easily wait.

time to eat. starting to sweat again. sheesh. feeling fine but would rather be sweating at home :-)

====    Dr Nick Lethbridge  /  Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution." … Einstein

dying for you to read my blog: notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com.au :-)

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