Tuesday, April 23, 2019

... something different

and now for something completely different... something which really does deserve a monty python intro :-)

but first: an action packed easter...

i've found -- again -- the secret to a sound night's sleep. just be very, very tired.

saturday is a sprint orienteering event. estimated winning time, 15 minutes. i take 46 minutes. a pleasant walk on a complex map. i take it slow and easy, watch the map, never lost.

sunday is a "long" orienteering event, 90 minutes drive from home. my course is 5km. with a lot of up and down. i get lost before the first control but manage to relocate. continue, slow but steady, just walking. till the fourth control...

having been lost, then found again, i am going uphill to the fourth control. my normal approach to uphill is to slow down. today, i sit down. several times.

at the control... at last... i look at the map, i'm less than half way round the course. with lots of hills still to be climbed. i look at a straight line between where i am, directly to the finish. it looks open, it looks -- after one more short climb -- to be quite flat. i head directly to the finish.

i cut across the map, fail to finish the course, i'm happy to say that this is the right decision. i know that i have lost fitness, today lets me know just how unfit i am!

so, of course, monday we are back for more :-)  "we"? deb also competes. she finishes her three events. slow and steady and faster than me :-)

monday i do finish my "mid distance" course. we drive home, eat dinner. then, during the tv news, i fall asleep on the couch. i wake up to hear david attenborough talking about sex and tits, and how the tits use their hot legs to keep their eggs warm. then i go to bed and sleep soundly, very soundly.

to wake up on tuesday to something completely different. i spend a lot of this morning completing the process of nomination for election to the senate. yep, i'm running for parliament :-)

briefly: i think that politics and parliament are such a joke that just putting up my hand is better than doing nothing. though my campaign plan is, essentially, doing nothing.

but it's nothing to do with cancer -- unless my brain has been permanently damaged :-) so i'll start a separate "campaign" blog, provide a link in a later not.dead.yet post, and keep this blog to the theme of cancer and holidays. with only the occasional cross-promotion ...

vote 1 nick :-)

====    Dr Nick Lethbridge  /  Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"Life is like riding a bicycle. When you fall off you get right back on  and wobble into traffic, causing jams by getting in the way of more successful people who own cars." … Pardon my Planet

dying for you to read my blog: notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com.au :-)

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