Tuesday, October 10, 2017

dreamtime explanation

Some explanations -- analogies -- just seem to make sense. When a good analogy pops up in a dream, I'm impressed -- it reinforces my understanding that dreams are the mind's way of making sense of what is happening. Though even I have trouble believing that my dreaming mind could come up with such a neat analogy as this:

In my dream -- some time last night -- I was in a world of space and free-fall. If you had watched Bananas in Pajamas yesterday you would have seen some of this world: B1 & B2 in space, in an asteroid belt, every asteroid is made of jelly, it's difficult to avoid hitting the asteroids but hitting does not really hurt. They are, after all, made of jelly.

My dream world is similar.

I'm in an infinitely deep vertical shaft. If you start falling -- you will fall forever. The shaft is full of asteroids, they may be made of jelly, I'm not sure. Everyone who lives in this shaft spends their time bouncing from one asteroid to another -- it's either that, or fall...

Except for one person.

One person -- not me, which is interesting -- is in free fall. No maintaining position by bouncing off asteroids. Just... falling... forever. There is no chance that this person will be able to slow down by hitting asteroids... it's too late for that.

But it doesn't matter!

Everyone lives in this infinitely deep shaft. Everyone else maintains position by bouncing off jelly asteroids. This one person... just falls.

Okay, it's a new -- a different -- situation. One person zipping by, everyone else has some safety and stability.

Guess what? That falling person could be me!

Everyone else has some safety and stability. I'm just zipping by -- to a new destination -- but it's effectively the same destination. It's just that I'm now in free-fall. Better yet:

I'm travelling faster -- I should reach "the end" sooner -- but this is an infinitely deep shaft! Okay, I'm in denial. But still -- to me -- there is no end... At least, no end that I understand. No end that worries me.

And then -- as a final flicker of this dream -- an extra bit of unreality:

The falling person -- still not me, which is still a curious bit of the dream -- falls through the end of this infinitely long shaft -- and keeps on falling!

Okay, I know what that's about. Not B1 & B2, either... in an email, I mentioned the possibility of an afterlife. So here's my dream interpretation:

The falling person has passed through the base of the shaft... they have died. Yet they are still falling... there *is* an afterlife. And look, it's just as infinite as the present life... Pretty much the same as the present life, in fact. Though I don't notice any asteroids, jelly or not.

Life-and-afterlife are now two parts of the infinite shaft. Death is just a brief barrier between the two. Most people aim for stability by slowing down their falling. Some few just... fall... full speed.

It makes no difference because there is no real end.

And yes, the watchers are happy about all this. As is the person falling. And I'm just as happy with my interpretation of this dream :-)

It's just a pity that I don't believe in an afterlife! Though I don't disbelieve, either... And I'm looking forward to finding out. Though, admittedly, I'm willing to delay the finding out for as long as possible... despite my dreamtime reassurance :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Hollywood actors are, "vivir en una nube de pedo"... Rita Panahi, The West, 11 Jan 17


Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

1 comment:

  1. Afterlife? yeah I am agnostic so I lean to no hoping for yes. Science tells me no (and commonsense) or is it? Cheers Col
