Sunday, October 8, 2017

no strenuous exercise

I have a surgical wound on my groin. The urologist who put it there has told me to avoid strenuous exercise for a couple of weeks, to allow plenty of time for the wound to heal.

I wonder if a 14km walk in the bush is "strenuous"?

On Friday Deb & I drive to Collie. Well, Deb drives and I am driven. As the neurosurgeon wrote, "He is aware he cannot drive." Argh... yes, I am aware of it. And Deb is definitely aware that I cannot -- am not allowed to -- drive :-(

I've said this before: I'm lucky my seizure was in a fun run. Rather than while I drove -- mostly by myself -- from Perth to Kununurra and back.

Friday night: good dinner, good night's sleep, all you can eat breakfast, good value in the Banksia Motel. So we are ready to rogaine -- just south of Collie -- on Saturday morning.

Interesting, sleeping in a motel. I wake up -- as usual -- after a couple of hours' sleep. Have some trouble getting back to sleep. At home I would get up, read, blog, fill in time... In a motel, options are limited. I can read or blog -- I have the tablet -- but that would disturb Deb. So I lie in bed. Doing the usual over-thinking. Then fall asleep again.

It seems that I *can* get back to sleep -- if I have no alternative. Not sure if that's good or bad. In the morning I wake up with a problem or two unresolved...

Again, is that good or bad? In the middle of the night I "resolve" problems by -- as far as possible -- dealing with them. This will be by email or blog post. Which, once done, is hard to undo. The resolution may be right... or wrong.
​All it is, is

Today I wake up with problems still unresolved. I wake up in a bad temper because I am still thinking about problems. Thinking about them because they are still unresolved. Is that good or bad?

And later... I believe that at least one problem is, in fact, resolved. I have done what had to be done. Good or bad, it is done -- and can now be put behind me. Doing nothing in the middle of the night was... the correct action :-)  Phew!

And on to the rogaine:

It's good to catch up with a few friends. Random chats with unknown rogainers. Friendship & sympathy from those who know I have cancer. I would enjoy telling the story of my fun run collapse -- it gets better each time :-) -- but this is pre-event, everyone is busy getting ready. We are busy, too, planning our route.

Remember: No strenuous exercise!

Today is a twelve hour rogaine, we plan to walk for just four hours. We end up walking 4:45.

We want to walk about 10km then plan for 12.
​On the course, p
ast the half-way mark we decide to take the short-cut home. Still end up walking 14km. This is less than our usual rogaines, last event we walked twice as far. Deb is still fit at the end... I am rather tired.

I have walked *very carefully*... Short steps, avoiding sudden ups & downs. Avoiding putting any strain on that groin wound! It does ache -- just a little -- but there has been no sudden tearing feeling... Phew!

Back to the hash house. And we immediately drive home. I would have enjoyed staying for some post-event socialising... but that won't really start for perhaps four more hours, towards sunset and dinner, as other people decide that they have rogained enough for one day.

Once we are driving on the highway -- I sleep for an hour. A bit tired :-) But pleased to have walked a reasonable distance. And to have seen and been seen, so I am not the mysterious yet never seen dying rogainer...

Better yet: The bush is beautiful. Spring flowers. A bit of a chill but okay for walking. The rain holds off. Deb tells me that there was heavy rain on the drive home, while I was sleeping.
​ Good timing -- for us :-)​

Hmmm... I guess that the purpose of this blog is (now) to document what happens and how I deal with cancer. Is there too much rogaining in this post? Possibly. On the other hand: Today is a major step in proving to myself that I am still alive and well. Only half as fit, perhaps! Yet still able to walk 14km along bush tracks and through the bush.

Down but not out :-) Still with time and inclination to do what Deb & I both enjoy. (Even Deb is bragging that we have been -- as a team -- to more than 120 rogaines.) Perhaps it's not, "To infinity... and beyond!" But today's walk is far enough to enjoy.

Too much rogaining? Perhaps. Too bad, I enjoy it :-)


In a more specific update, I receive a letter from the neurosurgeon. As well as describing -- for the next doctors in "my medical team" -- just what he has done, he says that I had a "generalised tonic clonic seizure" while on the fun run. So I read

I'm glad that a fellow runner recognised a fit and looked after me. Thank you again... Gemma!? And I'm really glad that I was unconscious -- or unaware -- while it was happening. Ugh :-(

Perhaps I am, like the current quote in my email signature
"Vivir en una nube de pedo." I still feel that -- given no choice in having cancer -- it's a case of, So far, so good. So far :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Hollywood actors are,

"vivir en una nube de pedo"... Rita Panahi, The West, 11 Jan 17


Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

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