Monday, March 25, 2019

compromised whatevers

monday, an interesting day...

oh, yes: i'm still typing all lower case. no, it's no longer a sign that i am in hospital. i can stand up at the pc, use a proper keyboard, easily use upper and lower case. or i can slouch on a sofa, tap one fingered on the tablet, forget about the up and down shift key. forget about spell check, too.

the tablet is easier but slower. i choose easier.

there's an interesting article in the paper. it seems that a course of antibiotics can damage your gut bacteria. fair enough, gut bacteria are biota  which an anti-biotic will be anti.

it seems though -- from today's article -- that the gut may never fully recover. one course of antibiotics and your gut will be different, for ever and a day.

i know that my ed visits involved antibiotics. i would guess that they were strong. perhaps that is why my digestion is now working well but differently. there is output but the quality is... different. no, i think i'll leave it there.

but here's another thought:

some authoritative tv shows have said that swallowing a poo pill can aid digestion. poo pill? a dried, disease free bit of someone else's poo. the idea is, you swallow the pill and inherit the donor's good quality, dried, gut bacteria. to rebuild your own.

now here's my business plan: while they are healthy, people deposit a large poo with ppp, poo pill protectors. ppp turns the poo into pills, sealed and nicely wrapped, to return to the poo creator. for a generous fee.

after a course of antibiotics the poo creator swallows a poo pill -- to restore their *own* healthy bacteria balance to their own gut.

brilliant, eh?

deb is unimpressed so we drive on -- past the pill factory for rent or sale -- to our appointment with the cancer doc.

sort of good news, she says, no iv drip today. your blood levels are too low.

judging by the colour of my pee, i am no longer dehydrated, i tell the doc. losing my taste for tea and coffee leaves me low on caffeine, causing a very mild, occasional headache. i am also -- still -- alternating between feeling chilled and sweating hot. annoying but not, i feel, serious.

i'm quite well, all things considered :-)

after some question and answer, plus later explanation from deb, we get more facts on blood levels and less reassuring (or not)  hand waving.

my latest blood test shows that my white blood count (neutrophils, says deb) are at 0.2. no chemo at any level below one, says the doc. normal range is 1.5 to eight, says the internet. this low level means that i am not equipped to fight disease.

the other blood level is platelets, the things that cause blood to clot. my blood is... no, no idea. just far too low for chemo.

so for today, my blood levels are too low to allow chemo :-) maybe i should not be smiling? changing the drip pattern is quite common, says the doc. if my blood levels are low at the next blood test, my upcoming "heavy" iv week may be delayed.

deb and i consider the bright side. the chemo is -- as expected -- destroying white cells and platelets. so -- also expected -- it is probably also destroying cancer cells. and today i do not get an iv in my hand. yes, i'm smiling :-)

meanwhile, i need to avoid cutting myself with someone else's dirty rasor.

we exchange a few other comments with the doc. the 24 hour emergency line was not answered, says deb. i suspect the nurses are too used to dealing with patients who are comatose, i say.

then we drive to subi for a celebratory coffee. mine, with sugar. i drink it all.

the rest of the day involves relaxing. running. my own 3km is slow -- but i manage to keep moving. good enough for a man with compromised neutrophils and platelets, says deb :-) shopping. more coffee.

really, quite a good day :-)

====    Dr Nick Lethbridge  /  Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"I think and think, for months, for years. Ninety-nine times the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right." … Einstein

dying for you to read my blog: :-)

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