Sunday, December 3, 2023

Donnybrook then home

on Saturday we drive to Donnybrook.
what can i say? i can't remember much detail. pleasant bush on either side, karri forest and other forest and... bush. and farm paddocks. some gravel roads, mostly good bitumen. an enjoyable drive despite my short memory.
then, Donnybrook. we have lunch in the pub. another delicious pub steak.

we wander round town a bit. then to the motel. where we check in and... relax.
it's a standard motel. small, clean, comfortable. every few hours we hear a noisy truck pass along the highway, otherwise it's very quiet.
next day, Sunday: continental breakfast in our room, the toast is rather nice "seed" bread.
we pack and leave.

deb thinks we may as well take the fast and furious forrest highway, we end up on the far more interesting SW highway. stop for coffee and cake in Waroona.
then back to the freeway and... home.

deb clears leaves from the front lawn, a neighbour tells us that it was red tailed black cockies chewing twigs and leaves off our lemon scented gums. nice cockies.

i count that we found eleven geocaches, a good haul.
we go out to buy some food. wash some clothes. generally settle back into home routines.
a good holiday, good to be home.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

Thursday, November 30, 2023

no, not fleas

Thursday 30th: i wake up and ask deb to look. do i have fleas running riot on my scalp? no. but i do have sunburn.
i have three cloth hats which look the same but two are cotton and one is polyester. turns out that that last one has SPF rating of zero.
i spend today with burning itching scalp and ears. lucky the weather has been cool.

we pack up and leave our karri hill cottage. we're sorry to leave.

first stop is pemberton bakery for drink and muffin.
there are several doors with signs, this is *not* a toilet. i appreciate clear signs like that.

next stop is Alexandra Bridge, a large camping caravan and picnic area. on the blackwood river. at a large pool, suitable for boating, swimming, fishing etc. we are there for the toilets.
it's a pleasant area though there are some noisy people not us and a generator.
we drive on to Augusta.

we're in riverscape cottages #3.

it's only midday, we go to colourpatch cafe for lunch. beautiful view over the river. delicious, fancy minimalist food, I'll need to fill up with bread for dinner.
we walk along the river beach for 30 or 40 minutes.
it's warm worth a strong cool wind. i embarrass deb by taking off my shirt, not for long, i still itch with sunburn.

back at our cottage. deb walks to the end of the road, it reaches the river. just ten minutes.
now... we do nothing.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper 
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

Friday, September 15, 2023

Time Passes...

I can't remember when I last posted.
Things have happened... nothing serious... I've just been lazy.

Current cancer status: No change.
At least, no change that I can notice. My next scan will be in the middle of October. So, till then -- or till a couple of weeks after that when I get the results -- I'm fine.
Physical: My only problem is still that I'm half-blind, can't see anything on my left. This prevents me from driving. It also makes me unsteady on uneven surfaces, I can't see where my left foot will land.
Mental: I claim that I'm okay, I can do crosswords, but who am I to judge.
Emotional: I get angry easily, I may have always been like that. I'm less worried about potential death by cancer than I was, I'm now old enough that all sorts of things could kill me and no-one would be surprised. I'm quite happy that I have nothing debilitating.

Orienteering -- and any off-track rogaining -- are now beyond me. I followed Deb on an "Easy" course, I had to give up, I could not get through the bush: could not see placing my left foot and could not see bushes at face level.

But on the other major topic for this blog: holidays -- I'm causing trouble :-(
Deb wanted to walk the Routeburn in NZ. There's no way I could do it -- there's said to be a steep and rocky downhill, down-mountain -- down is worse than up.
Deb thought, there's a nice three-day walk in Tassie. I read about "rocky scrambles" on two of the days. So that walk is also beyond me.
I'm happy to not do these walks. But if I can't do it -- Deb does not want to do it. That upsets me.
So we'll try a short break in the SW, with some day walks.
My half-vision stops me driving, that's annoying. Now it's interfering with Deb's holidays, that's worse than annoying :-( Oh well.

Meanwhile: my phone app: I paid a developer. He got the app into the Apple and Android stores, I was really pleased.
Within a couple of months both Apple and Android have changed their minimum requirements... Too bad, the developer has moved on. If the standards are enforced retrospectively, the apps will disappear. Which is a real pain -- I'm helping set a rogaine which was going to use the app.
The rogaine will run on paper, app-free. I'm still very glad that I actually had a full working app... even if only for a few months.
Now I'm learning yet another coding language and will attempt to re-write the app -- in a format that will not need Apple or Android stores. So there :-) Writing code is very satisfying. When it works it's an almost sexual thrill... look out Deb :-)

I'll finish this post. There's a letter I need to write. A few hours learning and coding. Look for accommodation for our SW break. Maybe get to bed before the sun comes up.
Tell you what, having nothing to do takes up a lot of time.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Too many people consider themselves open-minded when they're really just empty-headed. (Alfred E. Neuman)


Monday, August 14, 2023

not worried, just...

The Sunday paper has a story of a bloke who died of "my" cancer. It took him ten years, two operations and chemo. I've had only half of that (and I'm still alive.) With no tumour-caused symptoms.
The ABC news has a story of a woman who was a key player in dealing with covid. She has now died of brain cancer. Aged 70.
These stories don't so much worry me as... make me think. Remind me of what's in my brain.
Also reminds me that one type of cancer has many different effects.
My tumour was in the vision part of my brain. Not good but... it could be worse.
No worries, eh :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Too many people consider themselves open-minded when they're really just empty-headed. (Alfred E. Neuman)


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

tech hurrah

Posts to this blog are posted via email.
When the blog is a travel journal, emails are sent from a tablet.
The latest tablet was the crapple: absolute latest model Apple tablet. It never worked.

A couple of months ago I had to send a quick email to Deb. The crapple was close, I started typing the email. The crapple claimed to be overheated... and crashed.
I gave it time to cool off. Retyped the email. The crapple crashed. Again.
I opened the door and tossed the crapple into the garden. It stopped working. I cheered up.
Later, the crapple still did not work. Would not even start. It is now out of the house. Out of mind, except for this final hurrah.
I am much happier.

Now my "travel" device is a laptop. Clunky, awkward, weighs a lot more, cost a lot less -- and it works.
Yes, it has problems. Some annoying software.
I have *never* been so disgusted that I want to throw it away.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

strange dreams

in one dream I should be busy but I'm embarrassed because I'm not getting anything done. Until I wake up and realise that... there's a lot I should be doing.
I've been under the weather for a few days (no excuse) and now... I get out of bed and get busy.

I register us for two short fun runs. A Sat and Sun. So I also book somewhere to stay, for a weekend away. One thing now done :-)

We're considering a walking holiday at the end of the year. We're almost decided but... I need to start actual planning.
At the end of this month we're registered for a rogaine. I lost or did not get the link which will tell us where to go. I pass that one to Deb to follow up.

Then there's my app. It's now a "working proof of concept". I need to, somehow, develop it further.
Meanwhile... I have volunteered to use the app to manage a rogaine. It should work. We'll also have paper backup, just in case.
The rogaine will also need (by November) more than 60 control locations. And a map. We, the setting team) have started but need to do a lot more. A lot more. I wake up, go downstairs, spend several hours (1am to 4am) doing some useful work.
A rogaine uses a map, I can't follow a map, this should be interesting. My approach is non-standard, a lot of the work is done on the PC. There will still be many days required in the field, visiting each control site. I can't drive so, getting to control sites is another challenge :-)
Both dreaming and awake -- I know I have a lot to do.

Another night, I dream that I am at a party. Hundreds of people crowded in. I chat to two people, both are pop music stars. Nice people, I think.
The explanation of this dream is simple: My dreaming mind is controlled by a stranger who enjoys parties, crowds and popular music.

There was a veterans run round our lake. Today, I run round our lake. My time is a few minutes faster than the 85 year old veteran :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


Monday, July 24, 2023

good dream advice

Some dreams seem to be very significant.I record them and look for meaning. Which does not mean that I understand them...
It's the middle of the night: I'm very cold. Not sure why, the night is not very cold. But I'm cold. So I turn on the electric blanket, set it to maximum heat. I also move closer to Deb, who always glows with maximum heat. As I warm up I fall asleep. And dream: 
We are chatting with a Chinese family. (I have no idea who they could be. But I know we are all good friends.) I am chatting with the adult children. discussing the menu in their restaurant (Am I hungry? I don't think so)
The family matriarch and patriarch talk to me. They are my age, therefore old enough to give advice. They say, Is it true that you and Deb have not had sex for a while? I admit it, with a vague and embarrassed  explanation. You should have sex now, they tell me.
I walk to Deb, jump on top of her and start sex. We did not mean here and now, is a comment from the couple giving advice.
The adult children show me samples of printing their menu on fancy paper.
I wake up warm with an erection and a smile.
As I wake up I think, The electric blanket certainly is effective at warming the bed. Then I find out that it is switched off. Turning it on was part of the dream. My dreaming mind certainly knows how to warm me up :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


Sunday, July 23, 2023

imagine Sids Rapids

This morning We spend about an hour and a quarter jogging round Walyunga. Beautiful weather, beautiful location, good company:-)
In the carpark is a walking group, "Is this our car?" we hear. Just the two of us is company enough. (And I'm glad to say I do recognise our car.) Though I do have to go a bit faster when following Deb. The penalty of running with a younger woman.
Deb considers following an allTrails track but no... there is no signal. So we just go.
Near Sids Rapids a smaller river rushes in to join the Avon. Would make a beaut photo, I think. Then I think: the camera is on the phone, the phone is in a water(and sweat)proof bag. Can't be bothered getting it out. So we run on.
Coming back, we try again but... the rapids must be further away than we remember.
So: imagine [here] a photo of a stream rushing and bubbling over stones. Very pretty. If you imagine correctly.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


Friday, July 14, 2023

a bon mot

It really cheers me up to get in just the right response. A straight question which leads into my own bon mot...

We're at the shops. Deb goes into the chemist, I wait outside.
I'm tackled by a woman from a pop-up stand.
She mentions athritis, I listen politely, I think she's collecting.
Turns out she's selling. A blanket (I think) which uses magic (or some such) to cure aches and pains.
Do I have athritis? she asks, No. Do I have aches and pains? No, What is my most pressing medical issue? she asks, desperate for a sales opening. Terminal cancer, I reply. Ha! end of conversation :-)
Hours later, I'm still pleased.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


two types

There are two types of people in the world: those who see two types of people and those who don't. lol
To me, there are: people that I want to talk with, to find out more about, to listen to, to understand... Then there are people who provide little interest, I talk briefly, listen quickly, find out very little, have no interest in finding out more.
I'm thinking of this because today my eyes are checked and the eye doc is one of those people with whom I fail to communicate.
I ask, are my eyes much worse? I get no answer.
I turn to Deb, ask her, wtf is going on? Deb is able to find out that my eyes are a little bit worse after three years. Okay.
I have a similar problem with the cancer doc. she fails to communicate, I fail to ask for more detail. I have little interest in more talk. Just as well Deb goes with me.
It may be obvious that Deb (and her sister, btw:-) are in the category of, I'd like to talk more).

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


Thursday, June 29, 2023

stable and boring

latest scan results: my brain is stable and boring :-)

Boring because there is very little change -- and that is good. And stable is good because, well, it's not getting worse.
The scan shows roughly the same necrosis but no tumour.

The cancer doc is happy to wait four months till the next scan. The next scan will still include the extra bit (perfusion?) that helps distinguish necrosis from tumour. So, still wary.

I think the theme of this blog is about to shift again. Travel, cancer, travel... Now I may as well admit that I'm getting older. With all the problems of aging :-) Okay, aging and with dodgy vision.

I'm in a strange cafe having coffee with a friend. I need, no surprise, a toilet.
It takes me several attempts and repeated directions to get out the back of the cafe to the toilet.
Then I can't find my way back. Eventually I go out a side door, follow the building round the outside and re-enter the cafe by the front door.
The friend and I are jointly setting a rogaine... We need to locate 60-plus points on a map. I can't even find my way back into a cafe... Creating the map may be a challenge.
Cancer is (luckily) getting boring. Travel does not happen everyday. But growing old... I do like to analyse (and document) life's little challenges. So age that may provide material for several prolix postings. And writing it down will save me from having to think about it :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

The stupid person says, "It's impossible". The smart person says, "It's possible, if we can get enough stupid people to do it." (Alfred E. Neuman)


Saturday, June 24, 2023

waiting on results

My brain was scanned this week. No results yet.

Our usual informant is not a brain specialist. He has seen the picture but the specialist has not yet provided interpretation. So our man says, he can't make head nor tail of it.
Which raises the question... Is he holding the picture upside down?
rofl... All this post, just so that I could use that punchline :-) hehehe

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

The stupid person says, "It's impossible". The smart person says, "It's possible, if we can get enough stupid people to do it." (Alfred E. Neuman)


dreaming not driving

Back home, back to the brain scans. That's yesterday. We won't know results for a week.

It's become sort of ordinary. Okay, I do feel a bit worried. I shout, I swear, I'm easily annoyed when I can't do something. In fact. I'm just as usual.
Have I reached the final stage of dealing with grief? ... acceptance?

When I reached 70 I thought, that's quite old. At my age there are all sorts of things which can kill me. There's no need to worry over the one at the head of the queue.

A few days ago, I'm going round the lake. I've had my heart and lungs tested, both seem okay (though the lungs have occasional limited capacity for no obvious reason. I think I do need to exercise both heart and lungs. Perhaps push a little harder.
A month ago I ran at a consistent 111 bpm (oh, the fun of a GPS watch, I can see my heart rate :-) 
So this time I push a bit harder, just a bit. Enough to get my heart ticking at 120bpm. or thereabouts. I'm still moving slowly, it's 90 mins to get round the lake.But I feel that it's good exercise, for the heart and possibly for the lungs.
Won't I feel silly if my heart fails :-)

Last weekend we went orienteering. Deb's sister went with us. The sister and I did a VE course, I followed. It was good to be out and about. Even following fences... I was mostly confused.
It was good for us and allowed Deb to do a Medium course by herself. And I had the pleasure of following an attractive but different woman :-)

Tonight we are back from seeing lights in Kings Park. I can't remember the name, a display of coloured flashing lights decorating the park. Very impressive. Both better and worse than I expected.
It's cold but pleasant, no wind, only a sprinkle of rain.
All I do is follow Deb. I watch my feet, the path is level, it's other people that I worry about. When someone stops in front of me I wait, I can't see where to go to pass them.
The light show is impressive but wasted on me. I watch my feet, if I look at lights to the side, I start to lose the path. So I don't fully appreciate the patterns of the lights.
It's a bit like walking through a showroom full of TVs, lots of light, little sense.
So it's somewhat wasted on me... but it's an enjoyable experience.

I'm using yet another device to type this post. It's a laptop. Windows based, so familiar. With a real keyboard.
It's not perfect. A bit big, for one thing. It takes a while to get some things working... working as I want them, that is.
So far, I have *not* had any urge to throw it in the bin. So that's a huge improvement on the apple tablet :-)
I claim that this latest scan does not really worry me.
And yet... I'm up late. Restless. Tired but doing this and that, rather than going to bed. It's what I do when I'm worried about something. I stay up late and do some of the things which I otherwise would worry about. Reducing the worry load :-)
After all, who needs sleep...

When I sleep I dream. Some, I remember.
It's fun trying to understand what influences a dream. Sometimes it's a book that I'm reading that gets warped into a dream.
Quite often it's something that affects me when I'm awake, I deal with or act on it in a dream.

One time, I wake up with the clear impression of a stranger in our bedroom. It only takes seconds to identify it as a dream, a nightmare. It takes longer to get over the fright. Lucky I don't have many nightmares.

I dream that we're in the truck. Deb driving. This dream is from me wanting to drive but I can't. Then the dream abandons reality...
The truck is being controlled from outside. By a cat... I use the torch app on my phone to see the cat. Dreams reflect but abandon reality. In reality, I have never been able to find that torch app when I need it.

Speaking of not driving...
I am blind to my left. So Deb won't let me drive.
In SA a man was driving with the same blindness as mine, he hit and killed a cyclist.
In WA cyclists owe a debt of gratitude to Deb. I complain but I won't drive.


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

The stupid person says, "It's impossible". The smart person says, "It's possible, if we can get enough stupid people to do it." (Alfred E. Neuman)


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

City visit

tonight we have to make a quick visit to the city. it's both exciting and annoying.

exciting because we don't often go out at night. The city lights are exciting. Even the suburban lights are new, to us, and exciting.
Annoying because it reminds me that I cannot drive.
Deb could relax at home while I do the quick drive but... no. Deb has to drive. very annoying.
So I will never again be able to drive? Pretty minor problem, really:-) It could be a lot worse!

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

Friday, June 9, 2023

GPS navigation

The comment is made, "How did we get by without GPS"
I can answer that because Deb and I discuss it.

I drove. Deb as passenger will navigate.
Deb uses a *paper* map, book or sheet.
Deb will know where to go, she will guide me. And follow our progress on her map.
One big advantage is -- we (Deb) always knows where we were and where we are going. With the GPS we are travelling essentially blind, only knowing as far as the next change of direction. Also, Deb as navigator can quickly suggest a change of route.
The GPS adds the ability to know *exactly* where we are -- Deb still likes to follow the map -- and decide if there is a more interesting way, or diversion.

Of course the *dis* advantage, before GPS, is that we get lost. Which is not a major problem when we are on holiday. Getting lost adds new scenery to a new trip :-)

With the GPS we barely consider where we will go. We lose a lot of the "excitement" of suddenly deciding to go somewhere else.
And when we get "there" -- we (or I, even as driver) barely know where we have been.

Non-GPS driving requires a lot more "involvement" of the driver, and passenger, with the environment.
GPS means, getting "there" directly and on time :-)
... with minimum involvement with the holiday touring.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

The stupid person says, "It's impossible". The smart person says, "It's possible, if we can get enough stupid people to do it." (Alfred E. Neuman)


another good birthday


I used to be quite casual about flu vaccination. Now with young grandchildren and a strict daughter... I'm a regular pincushion.
Deb and I go to the doc for this year's flu jab.
Be brave, the doc tells me. I grimace, stare at the ceiling and mutter, I hope I get a sweetie for this.
The doc leaves us with the nurse. As she leaves the doc tells the nurse, Give him a lolly.
Really? asks the nurse.
Oh yes please, I say.

The nurse jabs. Then gives me *two*jellybeans:-)

I don't really mind injections. But I do like the doctor, she understands me.

My arm has a bit of an ache from the jab. So does Deb's arm. It's okay, we're brave:-)

Today is my birthday. Various people email birthday wishes:-)
Deb and I go to Floreat Kiosk for birthday brunch. It's our favourite cafe. On the edge of the beach. Today we have a fine view of the rain. Which reminds me...

I make some comment to Deb about our holiday. No, she corrects me, there were some problems.
Oh yes.
I think about it and remember me complaining. And other holidays, I can remember days when we walked in pouring rain and a howling gale. But.
If you ask me about any holiday, all I remember is the sun shining. flowers blooming. birds singing, in the trees. Until I remember specific days...
In my memory every holiday is, once past, an excellent holiday. Though I may, with effort, remember some days which were less than perfect.
So, no use asking me how it went, it was always excellent :-)

Late afternoon and I have barely budged from the couch.
The sun is shining...I grab my white stick and head off around the lake.
What is white and sticky:-?

All the way round, I am happily humming the Hey Duggee Stick Song. I love it. Interesting...I have already forgotten the words.

Having accepted that distance is best measured by the time it takes to get there... I moved 90 minutes. Slowly. Feel better for having moved at all. All it takes is, doing,*something*
Better yet, our hot water is fixed. I come home to a hwarm shower. A shower. At last.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

home and chaos

When you want to know how far you are from another place, the most meaningful measure is, time. As in, it's so far away that it would take me an hour to walk there.
By that measure, around the lake is ten percent further than it was a month ago.
The temperature is bitterly cold, as it was in England. The rain has passed over, there is a dry patch. The day is overcast but bright. I have no excuse.
I go round the lake. Eight slow km. Not so much a training run. More a staving off of the inevitable decline.
Once started, it's warm enough. That's the beauty of our climate, it's never too cold to run in shorts and tee shirt.
We've come home from English summer to Perth winter and the weather is much the same.
It's good to be out and about.

Near the end of the loop is a large pile of sand. Perhaps twenty metres high, something to do with future road building.
It's a good marker, when I see it I know I'm almost finished.
Except that today I run on past it. A combination of not thinking, and the blasted thing is on my left. Invisible.

We're home to chaos. A favourite aunt is sick. Luckily she recently got a mobile phone because she's not at home to answer her home phone.
We're barely home when the grandkids stay overnight. Deb does most of the looking after, I shelter behind the couch.
Today, our hot water fails. Deb has a very quick cold shower. I boil a kettle and use a sponge.

I have a surprising number off photos to sort through. Deb points out that a lot of them include a thumb. She's right... even now I don't immediately see the thumb--on the left of the picture. dratted blind side.

Deb's phone has a UK Sim, it works in England but not here. What happened to the Australian Sim?
Deb goes to a "phone ninja". He opens the phone and... the Sim is stuck on the inside back.
A good place for it. If we had known. If replacing a Sim was something we could do by ourselves.
All fixed and working now.

End of chaos. I hope :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Home again, all good

Deb appreciated the extra leg room of premium economy, so that's good :-)
As for me, I can barely remember the flight before. Even though I did plan to compare the two (premium vs ordinary). I live in today, the past is a foreign country.

As we are landing I have this clear image, an elephant coming in to land. The plane is surely too large to fly. But it does, and it lands.
As usual we have a short delay on entry. We insist on walking across farm fields. Our boots look clean but they are taken to be disinfected,a short delay.
I wonder about the sniffer dogs. We don't have food or drugs. But my well worn clothes, they may want to roll in it.
But no worries... we are through.

Our sons phone. Are we expecting one of them to pick us up? No, Deb's sister is here waiting. Always nice to return home to a friendly face:-)

She asks, was there a highlight? Not really. It was an overall good holiday. Lots of things we enjoyed, England in Spring. Various major events add to the... ambience.
A good mix of locations and accommodation. An overall enjoyable holiday.

And we're home. Back to the old familiar sights and sounds and smells. What is that smell? just a stuffy house.

Back to an orange tree covered in several weeks worth of fresh squeezed orange juice. And, for me, three loads of dirty washing. Mostly Deb's clothes, I wear mine till they walk away.

A quick trip to buy some food.
i sleep.
Deb cooks dinner, we eat.
i sleep.
even Deb sleeps twelve hours, getting our clocks adjusted.
now, we're home.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

plane breakfast

bacon and eggs.
the eggs are scrambled, salty but otherwise okay.
four or so slices of bacon, there is no way i could cut them up on the tiny tray table,i just leave them.
theres a muffin. it's dry but edible,i eat a lot of it.
i paid for premium economy. as far as i can tell, the premium means better crockery and cutlery.
though, yes, we do have decent leg room. for that, the premium oss worth paying. 

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

airplane dinner

what can i say?
well, the mashed potato is nice.
in general i dislike antipasto. this lot does have some nice fresh beans on top.
dessert could be used as a foundation stone.

my seat slips off upright, will not stay upright. so i had to move seats for takeoff.amongst noisy coughers.
away from deb:-(

I still have no idea how to flush the aiplane toilet.
nor how to call a hostie.

still, we do have legroom. and a wall that i rest my feet against. theres a footrest but its beyond me.
im impressed by debs neck pillow, very comfy. 
So i buy one for me. its useless. i think its really a cushion for piles.

Ill be glad to be home.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.


we are at the airport. in terminal 3.
we can see a departures notice board. our flight qf10 will get a gate in another five minutes.

Deb has read that the requirement to arrive three hours early has a reason. its so that we can spend a lot of time buying things. it has worked for us.

dont worry kids, we already have the tea towels.

aha. gate 3... go to gate.
we go.


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

an awful day

today we leave Sevenoaks. so far so good.
Our last breakfast at the Dorrington, cooked English, delicious.
We pack up and leave. Easy.

The GPS shows an hour and ten to the next hotel. We have plenty of time.

Here's our plan: Drive straight to the next (and final) hotel. Leave our bags at the hotel. Then drop off the hire car.
Unencumbered, get back to the hotel. Check in. Relax.
It's a good plan.

Deb misses a turn, we have to circle a roundabout and go back five km. Well, that's what Deb tells me, I don't notice the backtrack.

Nearly all of the drive is on a motorway, the M25. Google maps shows a lot of the M25 as red, congested.
Yes, it is congested.
Traffic still moves along. Lane changes are a challenge, not many gaps between cars. Not to worry, Deb does well.
But it's slow.

after an hour or two, we take a break in a services area.
We share a Krispy creme thing. Deb rather likes it. It's a disgustingly sweet bit of sticky fluff. We also share a very weak coffee.
Mostly, we are stopped for the toilets. So many of them! There's a wall with perhaps twenty urinals. Deb reports plenty of stalls. crowded but clean.
Just as well we stopped. The motorway is still very slow -- and we need to watch signs, to make sure we get to Heathrow. Not a time when we want a driver needing a toilet.

The car GPS gets us to the airport, then I take over navigation, the car does not know the hotel. Watching Google maps on my phone and telling Deb where to go.
Occasionally holding up my phone so that Deb can see a tricky bit.
Deb can't watch the phone all the time, she has to watch the road.
The car speaks directions but not clearly enough for this area.
Surprisingly... we get right to the door of the hotel.
Well, it's a door, no reception in sight.
We unload the bags. I stand with them and send Deb inside to find reception. No use me going in, I'd probably not find reception. Or not find the car again.
A few days ago we parked the car at a, walked to b and back to village a,I could not have found the car.
When I walk I have to look very carefully as i walk away, or i will get lost coming back. that's why i get lost in toilets, i can't recognise the door that i came in by. Bit of a nuisance, really :-)

It's an awful drive but we do find the hotel...
Heathrow, Hilton, Garden Inn.

Instead of an hour ten, the drive had taken two hours twenty. But we have made it :-)
we're still early for a3pm check in -- but our room is ready.
we are checked in.

We take our bags to our room.
With great difficulty.
I claim some glory, I'm the one to spot why the lift will not work, we have to wave our electronic key at a security thing.
And now, we are in our room!
For just five minutes. then we go downstairs again. We have to return the car.
According to google, it's a five minute drive. Perhaps. We don't have an exact address to car return.
After a few minutes getting nowhere,
Deb phones budget, they provide a six character code that gets us, with only a little difficulty, to the car return.

I'm not sure if the code is from Google or more general. it's unique to a location but not as exact as an address.
it works.
we return the car.

Our plan was, we could walk back to the hotel. it's not far. We have no luggage to carry.
Google shows... no way to walk.

there's a shuttle bus back to terminal 3. the driver takes us a little bit further, to within sight of our hotel.
Now, back to our room. phew!

Tomorrow, we depart from T3. I chose this hotel because it is "at T3" So, tomorrow, we are as good as there.

Rather than relax, we decide to find the way from hotel to T3. And get some lunch.

Deb goes to the front desk to get directions.
Twenty minutes later, we return to the front desk and ask for directions.

The way to T3 leads through carparks. along travelators. up lifts, down escalators, vice versa, along many corridors.
All amongst hordes of other people.
I have learnt to hate the sound of people rushing by while dragging a suitcase with its noisy little wheels.

But... at least we are not carrying luggage while we scout the way.

From hotel to T3 flight check in point takes us 45 minutes. This from a hotel which is "at T3".
Anyway. We eat, we drink, we go back... going back still takes 25 minutes.
Tomorrow we will allow at least an hour to get to T3.

We've had enough. We buy extra sandwiches. We eat them in our room and that is dinner.

my mobile phone has roaming, so i can use it overseas. probably expensive but so is a holiday.
i don't use my phone for much.
navigation while driving and some geocaching.

Deb buys a month of uk Sim, so her phone works here. mostly used for allTrails walks. the Sim expires tomorrow, good timing.
For most purposes, we use hotel wifi.

one hotel wifi has one of those complex passwords that are the height of security.
several passwords are simple, based on the hotel name.
one password is 12345678
several are unsecured, no password.

every hotel provides free wifi. most are as fast as we need.
And if we are away from the hotel, and desperate, we use my phone.

Tomorrow, we start for home.
We leave from T3... LHR, arrived at T3... PER... fifteen minutes earlier, but the next day.

Today is awful -- for the driver. Okay for the passenger.
neither of us enjoy the search for T3

now, we relax.


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

a taste of water

we pick up a glass of water to drink with dinner (pizza, btw).
Restaurant water may be freshened by lemon, or mint, or... here, it's cucumber water.
nice, too.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

Monday, May 29, 2023

over engineered

Here's a clever idea. The shower includes a recess for stacking soap and shampoo and such.
Soap, shampoo and lotion, when provided by the hotel, tend to come in similar containers, I always have trouble telling them apart.
Well, this recess -- has lights! What a good idea.
Of course my problem is that I never wear my reading glasses in the shower. Extra light is no help, I still can't tell shampoo from conditioner. Still, the light is a good idea:-)

In the main room there's a wardrobe. With a light inside! Am I worried that I will reach for my red coat and pull out my blue coat? (though to be honest I don't have any coat. Still you know what I mean.)
So there's a light in the wardrobe. where's the switch? there's no switch. Does it turn on when I open the door?
Too simple:-)
The light comes on when I reach into the wardrobe. Wow.

Travel used to involve remembering to bring a power plug adaptor. Now we bring a USB port. Better yet... several of our hotels provide built in USB ports, very nice. Pity that technology now includes two completely different types of USB plug.

Did I mention that the car has *both*types of USB port, one of each. So we can recharge while we drive. Which works with my phone.Not so well with my tablet.
We juggle devices recharging in our room. Oh, the technology.


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

dunton green

It seems that we are in dunton Green, Kent. I know that because the met Bureau app tells me. It also tells me the temperature forecast for the next few days: 14, 15, 16, 17. The forecasters are not really trying, are they. At least they do vary between sunny and cloudy.

The North Downs Way passes close to the hotel. Today we follow it.

It's a pleasant walk, mostly between hedges and farmland. Past crops of barley, maybe, and broad beans.
Towards the end we walk next to busy roads.Until we reach the village of Otford. Where traffic is horrendous.

The centre of the village is a pond, fed by a fresh water spring. Around the pond is a traffic roundabout. There is barely a break in the traffic.
We look at the remains of The Bishops Palace, Henry VIII and A-Bs of Canterbury spent Christmas here, them and 3000 hangers-on.
Not much left now, though even the ruin is impressive.

The village church, one of three, is ancient. The whole village is full of centuries of history.
Unfortunately it is also full of people and cars. Very very unpleasant.
Theres a geocache behind the village hall, I discourage Deb from even looking. Im relieved when we start walking home and leave the village.
The walk home is peaceful, pleasant. Were home on time for lunch, at the same pub as yesterday, its close by the hotel.
Tye hotel has a restaurant, probably good. We have breakfast there.

Breakfast is included, so we do.

The restaurant shows Tudor origins. The ceiling beams are above my head but low enough that I want to duck.
I tap the large horizontal timbers and some wall timbers and some walls. It all looks Tudor but some sounds hollow, modern veneer?

At the last hotel we can see everything in the bain maries and I eat a lot.
Here there are closed lids.I cant see the food and I just cant be bothered looking for it.Stupid really but it means that I dont want to eat much. So I dont.
The ceiling crowds me, the table feels crowded, good food but not much fun.

Back home now, resting.


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

Sunday to Sevenoaks

A peaceful day today.
Breakfast at the Birch, check out, drive to Sevenoaks. No stops, no detours.
Most of the drive is on motorways. lots of cars but free flowing. It seems quite easy. Of course I'm not driving.
At the end of the day, Deb is tired. Enough driving, she says.

The last bit, in town, is tricky but the gps guides us. More on that later.
We arrive.

Donnington Manor Hotel is a "pristinely presented Tudor property".

I'm worried about low ceilings and lugging luggage up narrow and winding staircases.
In fact... this is the most modern hotel so far.
Deb tells me that the outside is Tudor,I didn't notice.
Inside, is a flash modern hotel. Nice, too.

We seem to have reached the limit of Asians in England, this is where they all work. Well, here and closer to London, presumably. Of the dozen people we've dealt with so far, eleven are Asian. Indian? whatever.

The gardens have nice lawns. Plus elephant statues, a Buddha, some abstract sculpture.
All very nice. But not the Tudor that I am expecting.

we arrive at 1230, check-in is 3pm.
We sit in the bar, drink coffee, watch people in the garden. Till our room is ready.

We move in.
Walk a few hundred metres to the Rose and Crown pub. Eat a hearty lunch, planning to get sandwiches for dinner.
The rest of three afternoon we sit in our room and do very little.

oh yes, gps navigation.

The car has a gps. Deb sets it and follows it to town. That gps does not have hotels. Or Deb hasn't found them. So I use Google maps on my phone.
Most of the way I simply agree with the car gps. Then we reach the edge of town and I take over the role of speaking gps. It works.

I owe an apology to the car gps.
It, she, insists on pronouncing Lewes as lew-es. That is, almost Lewis, with the second e of Lewes clearly pronounced.
We hear it a lot, we often drive along Lewes road. It annoys me.
Then we chat with a Newick local, who calls it lew-es. As the car says it.
oh well, live and learn :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

Sunday, May 28, 2023


Last hours of the last day in HH.
Deb has done a brilliant job of filling in the days. Very nice gardens and walks. All close by.
Now we're half packed. Ready to leave within the hour.

Deb has a travel criteria: only go to countries with a modern health system. Something to do with me...
So Africa is out. So is Asia, I don't want acupuncture:-)

Though I've now passed through expecting to drop dead any day to, not today anyway.
Totally unplanned, there is a large hospital across the road from this hotel.
One day we walk through that hospital. Looking for a chemist or a cafe.
The hospital atmosphere is very familiar. Busy staff, various people waiting to become patients. Only one ambulance waiting outside.
To make us even more comfortable, we walk past a sign pointing to... MRI. Just what I (may) need. But not this time.

I still like the Birch Hotel.
It's comfortable. Our room is large enough.
It's a terrible location for access, surrounded by busy roads. But in easy reach of a lot of nice places.
I also like breakfast: Included. hot or cold, for me it's not and cold. No need to decide if it's worth buying breakfast, just eat it.

Once Deb has explained the taps for me, it's a good shower. With shower cap provided, so Deb is happy.

We notice that all the staff are English. Too far from cities and too expensive for the Asian migrants in most of the city service jobs.
Not that being English helps me understand what they are saying. Crazy accents that these foreigners have:-)
Oh, okay, and I'm going deaf.

All good but time to move on.

I can feel home calling to me... not long now.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.