Tuesday, May 25, 2021


As we go to bed Deb is a bit worried. Okay I reassure her. Another operation but now I'm feeling fine. So I'll just adjust our planning horizon. Rather than ththree-plus years I'll plan just two and a half ahead. Makes no difference really, three years allows for overseas trips. Covid has stopped them.

So our new planning horizon, adjusted for new reality, is two and a half years. Plus a bit :-) Early January 2024 I think it's as far as I plan to plan.

Still a long time. I think we're both happy with that.

3am I wake up. Realise there are things to do. I get up, go down to thePC.

First I contact Perth Trail Series. Put us down for the Pemby trail Series in October, I write. Me for the short run... walk. I expect that I'll spend quite a few months not allowed to run, just walk. Deb, I write, wants to run 10km. Take that :-) Okay, one commitment, holiday with possible run... Planned.

Next, I register for the next 24 hour rogaine. I include Deb's sister in the team. I add a note, the team may change... Or vanish :-) that will be late in June.

Enough sitting on our backsides. Now we're back into planning and -- hopefully -- doing. Definitely  slowly and carefully.

Late morning. Deb goes for a run. I walk. A beautiful day. 

I accept that an app development company will not do what I want. So I contact a person I haven't seen for 20 or 30 years. She may be able to help. She may remember me :-)

Mid afternoon. Deb and her sister chat on the phone. Between them they manage to build up a mild panic. What do I do about the dressing on my head? What do I do when the pills run out? Do I go back to pre-op levels of Dex? When do I need to see the surgeon and the oncologist?

It all seems simple enough to me. I guess I'll see the docs some Thursday, they only appear on Thursdays. The dressing is being pushed off by growing hair, maybe it'll fall of. No need to rush it.

Deb is in a mild panic so I phone and email. Set up appointments. Not soon, it'll take ages for the removed lump to be analysed. I can remove the dressing of at the end of this week. As if! I may just wait till the hair Falls out and takes the dressing with it. Then the scar can air dry. No hair washing for a while.

I think the panic is over :-)

Don't ask me how, I feel as though I have a cold :-(

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

The more things change, the more they stay insane ... per Ginger Meggs

1 comment:

  1. Stick with the three plus years planning horizon. Bummer about the app.
