Monday, May 3, 2021

scan done

Okay, once I accept that uber wants me to live next door, it's fine. By uber to the shops, get a haircut. Short all over, so the next surgeon's shaving doesn't stand out too much. (As if! My hair is already both thin -- and patchy.

It's a beautiful day -- I walk home. It's a couple of km and the walk fills in -- very pleasantly -- the wait for the next outing. Also, I can make my own lunch at home.

I take another uber -- no fuss this time -- to the scanner. Plenty of time. Less than an hour and I'm heading home again.

As far as I understand it this scan shows the surgeon where to surge. As far as I guess it, he doesn't look at my brain while operating, just the picture. I hope I remembered to smile.

There's a bus stop, I wait. I'm having a lot of trouble working out whether there's a bus on its way, or just left. I have trouble telling 4:10 from 14:10 -- that dratted 1 to the left ! I've almost sorted it out when a bus arrives.

All aboard... Just me and 3 or 4 other passengers. Plus a chauffeur who doesn't try to make friendly conversation. Brilliant -- a relaxing, comfortable and exceedingly pleasant ride :-)

I get off at the last shops before home, to buy some groceries. Plus an iced coffee. Plus some very sweet treats... I'm feeling better already :-)

I'm all prepared: wearing my hiking shoes, carrying a backpack. I load up and walk the km or so to home.


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"No matter how much you push the envelope, it will still be stationery"


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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