Friday, October 4, 2024

A bad run

After sitting on the couch for a week I need to get out, so I set off around the lake.
I'm okay for a couple of km, then I tire. Not that I'm going fast, barely a slow walk but I feel tired. And unsteady.
I swerve across the track, sometimes almost off the track.
I focus on the RHS of the track, where I can see. That's a bit better but I still swerve. And I'm  getting very tired.
Where there's a seat I sit and rest. And feel wobbly just sitting.
I stand still and feel wobbly. Not falling over but unsteady. Unsteady when standing isn't a great problem, u til I stop for a pee.

I reach the pony club, about 4km round.
I'm unsteady but still upright. So tired I can barely keep moving. If I could, I would stop but, well, I have to get home.
Icould phone deb but I'm  still moving, even it it's  very very slow.

At 7km of an 8km circuit I stop. I can't just stand so I lean on a post.
Three very nice people ask if I'm  okay, not really, I admit. They look after me. Help me sit on the grass, help me stand up again.
Walk with me to the nearest road.
Two stay with me, one rides, push bike, home to fetch a car. 
I phone deb to tell her what's happening. Deb is watching my progress via our location sharing -- and worried at how slow I'm moving.
The man returns in his car, gives me a lift home. Deb is waiting.
The man comments that he would not like to have his own father left needing help. I may look, old but I suspect he looked at deb and thought, daughter :-)

So all is well. Thanks to the kindness of strangers.
Home again. Deb looks after me.
I'm  exhausted and still very unsteady. I am very very careful on stairs. And almost as careful on level floors. In fact I won't  like to move suddenly while sitting down.
I let deb deal with the load of washing that I set going before I went out.

Even before I went out I was having "symptoms"
All day mild headache. We spoke with the cancer doc, I'll  be scanned next week anyway.
Take panadols and see the doc after the scan.
As well as a headache I am all fumble lingered.
I have trouble with shoelaces and buttons.
I'd  say I'm  going back to childhood but I claim i never left it :-)

Hours later: I'm  tired, I walk very carefully, headache is there but very very mild so I'm  not well but not bad.
And on the bright side: when we next see the cancer doc, at last I will have some symptoms to describe.
No more stressful wondering and waiting. And that's  something to be glad about:-)

1 comment:

  1. There are some very good people. In fact I like to think that all people are good.
