Monday, October 14, 2024

Only when I'm actually dying

Family gathered round? Maybe, if they have nowhere better to be. Deb? Watching with sympathy, maybe holding my hand, sorry deb. Only if you want to.
Hushed whispers of the death watch? Forget it. Family chatting, kids shouting, no worries. But here's the biggie:
Why waste a learning experience.

There are creeps who make a living out of pretending that a dying person needs Dim lights, scented candles, very expensive paid hand-holders. I had an earlier rant about these disgusting "death doulas". If the survivors want fake comfort, fine, but why do they think that the dying person cares...

Ask me... when it's  happening.
I'll try to remain aware, as long as possible.
Ask me, do I enjoy the soft music? Would I prefer proper music, Queen or Meatloaf?
I'll do my best to respond. You know: a twitch of the finger for Yes. Or maybe for No, or maybe for Maybe... Ask me to twitch once if a twitch means yes... whatever.

I'll do my best to respond. To add useful knowledge to the understanding of death. Drive the death doula vultures into a more honest business.
See, I'm analytical, and interested. The death of an intelligent person is a brilliant opportunity to learn.
Or... I may just drop dead ;-)

But not right now, thanks. It's almost time for my breakfast.

dying for you to read: :-)

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