Monday, October 14, 2024

I'm awake

I wake up to go to the toilet at 530am. I'm awake so I may as well get others awake:-)

My balance to and from the toilet is fine. No confusion, no falling, not even swaying. Good.
I was awake till after midnight then slept soundly, a good typical night.I like typical, it's a good sign.
I ask for a cup of tea, get observations taken, all good. Blood sugar is 7.6, good, now I'm ready for breakfast,I'm not allowed to eat till after blood sugar.
And so my day begins -- on a high note :-)

This hospital room is too cold. But no direct wind on my bed and I'm prepared.i sleep in a wool thermal, wake damp but the wool is still warm as it dries. Smelly after several days but still so comfortable.
Yes, I know this is all a bit disgusting but that's me, not the hospital... I'm practising good attitude:-)

While awake I'm thinking deep thoughts, there are so many of them... I've had seven years to think about the surprising inevitability of my own death.all thoughts are somewhere in this blog but I may repeat highlights --because this blog is for me -- and really, I'm still coming to terms with the inevitable. My blog, my choice of topics. But not in this post.

I'm awake. Feeling as good as ever for any early morning. Waiting for breakfast. And really looking forward to seeing deb -- and getting home.

dying for you to read: :-)

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