Wednesday, October 16, 2024

An absolute thrill

Pwmapapp was written over a year ago.
I set up some maps for fun and testing.
The plan is, the next Novelty rogaine can record control finds using the app.
With paper and pencil backup just in case. Well, paper and pencil as the real ecord, pw for extra fun... and to see if it really works.
I install the app on an Apple phone, it works. Clunky but effectively.
Then I put the app aside and spend a year doing all sorts of other things.

There are messages from Apple and from Android. Things which must be done to keep the app active.
Most messages I ignore. My ignorance is too deep to do anything useful.

In 2023 the rogaine is cancelled due to dangerously hot weather.
Now the rogaine is rescheduled, for a few weeks from now. We are preparing to try to run again.
By we I mean my co-setter. My health is bad, I can think but not do much.

Just for the heck of it, I load pwmapapp onto my tablet. A new, different tablet. Android. So, all new, all different...
And the bloody app still works!
Just as clunky. Just as effective. All colours, style, concept exactly as I originally visualised it.
What an absolute thrill :-)

With grateful memories of the coder. A man who could listen. And turn my idea. Into an actual... still working... app.
Amazing :-))
I'm thrilled

My body is a temple to health and fitness.
but there is a devil-worshipper in the temple: :-)

1 comment:

  1. A great testimony to your tenacity and will to succeed
