Thursday, October 17, 2024

Bladder half full

I'm spending a lot of time analysing peeing and pooing.
Well, why not? It's a topic which fascinates nurses. But no-one explains it. Not to my satisfaction, anyway.

Today the pallies ask, of course, about the current state and recent changes to my peeing and pooing.

I mention my interest in "double-voiding" and what I do about it.
The doc has clearly considered the issue. And even seems slightly interested in my approach. So, time to document...

There's a lot, perhaps too much for one post. But I'll start.

On my first stay in hospital, years ago that is, the nurses would measure the volume of urine in my bladder.
I've just been for a pee, so, zero? Wrong!
Every measure showed up to a cupful of urine in my bladder.
I'd go to the toilet,  pee again... still urine in my bladder.
Not good, according to the nurses.

Years later, I heard the term double void: finish peeing -- then immediately pee again.
As if... no use at all. Not without further analysis, anyway.
It's a problem worthy of, my level of, analysis.

As I expected... too much 
For one post.
Deb is now awake. I'll post this much. Get back with possibly many more peeing topics in separate posts.


My body is a temple to health and fitness.
but there is a devil-worshipper in the temple: :-)

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