Thursday, October 10, 2024

Descent into gloom

It's  just me in an increasingly cold hospital. Okay, I can hear someone else coughing themselves to death but that's  not good company.
I tell the delightful young trainee nurse Rosie that I will soon be a miserable old git, I apologise in advance.
I can feel my mood sinking. I really hoped to be home today, dying or not I want to be home. With Deb.

A woman comes in, I think she's  the OT from earlier, to confirm tomorrow's house safety check. Now I think about it she must be with the loud mouthed palliative care wanker. Strangers came and went all day, they knew who they were, I didn't. 
I'm not allowed out of bed by myself, in fact I feel that it's a sensible precaution.
If I stand up, an alarm goes off, which is a real pain.
Just to cheer myself up I may call a nurse for a cup of tea and a trip to the toilet. Then wrap in every blanket and sleep for a bit.but I'd rather read a book... at home even better.

1 comment:

  1. Under the circumstances I can understand your ups and downs.
