Thursday, October 10, 2024

Gentle lead in

NB. I blame all typos on the new and unfamiliar tablet.

The last few days have been rather exciting.
Monday night I wake up to go to the toilet, a couple of times.
Third time is at 6am. This time I sit up and fall over.

I can't get up. Not even roll over. No way deb could lift my 90kg. She calls an ambulance.
Three ambos lift me then step me downstairs and into an ambulance.
I'm annoyed that we will miss taking Will to his swimming lesson.
I practise my people recognition skills: callan with the ginger beard, cathy with the rather nice crown of frizzy hair, jeanine with diamond ear studs.

They take me, and deb, to RPH emergency.

Hmm... all I remember of ED is eofa? the attractive Irish doctor. And I get a CT scan.

Robbie thinks we are off to Charlie's so, once again, chases his father across town to an ED

I have a ct scan of my head.
Daphne the oncologist is contacted and mark the surgeon. They agree that I need to be in St john's so more ambulance, just me. Deb and Robbie drive and meet me there.

A lot of debate about possible damage due to fall. I did hit my head, and shoulder, on the way down. But barely and I had fallen the day before.
Check in to St john's. And that is Tuesday morning

Someone comes in to my ward. I say, you're not who I thought you were... my first thought was, Robbie then... ah, it's Mark the surgeon. See how bad I am at recognising people? Tho it's 7 or 8 years since I've seen him and he's gained weight.
Mark knows me, has spoken with Daphne, has seen the ct scan. He says that I may not get out of the hospital

I really like Mark. Daphne knows cancer. Mark knows the brain and is realistic and honest.

Another visitor. Is it daphne? No, it's her associate. She talks, I barely understand a word she says. To ask a question I have to interrupt her. Annoying woman.

It's like a stroke. A form of stroke? My left side is weak.
My left hand is a noticeable nuisance,it doesn't feel anything and can't hold anything. Have you ever tried to tear off a sheet of toilet paper with effectively one hand?!
I'm not allowed to walk... eg to the toilet... by myself :-(
I'm exhausted, sleep soundly. Despite the unfamiliar hospital noises. I wake a few times and miss deb :-(
Wednesday: a day of eating, resting, getting an MRI.
The family visit, that's very nice. Oh, do I want the grandchildren to visit? I would enjoy it but, definitely not demanded.

The dex has done its swelling reduction job, I have a bit more strength in left limbs. Left hand is a bit stronger -- but still can't hold anything.
I walk myself to the toilet despite orders. I call  nurse to guarantee that I can get back to bed.
Exciting news for me and the nurse, forthe first time in a week, my bowels have moved. a number four on the poo scale we agree great news, now I feel better, relieved. My great fear in hospital is constipation. :-)

I write some emails organising the rogaine that I set with Brian. It was cancelled last year due to extreme heat, it will run in November. 
I realise that I've been sitting, typing, getting colder and colder, now I feel rotten.
I put on the warm clothes that deb has brought :-) the room is... cold. Of course I don't complain, ha.
I need a nurse to help get the clothes on, dratted failing motor skills. Now I'm feeling warm and good.

I phone auntie pat, she complains about me trying to outdo her in illness. A lovely lady, now 87 and not at all well.

Mark the surgeon has analysed today's MRI. that's in the post hello next world
I may have finished with hospitals. And that's something to be glad about:-)

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