Friday, October 18, 2024

does Deb worry?

Does Deb worry? you bet :-(

I've just swallowed my five morning pills. Well. three plus one split in half. So few, barely worth a mention. Except that I can't swallow pills. Never could.
Give me one pill, several glasses of water. the water will be swallowed and the pill still in my mouth.
We've found that pills in yoghurt does work, eventually.
I count the pills as they go down, make sure I get them all.
The yoghurt is on a saucer... when "finished" I lick the saucer, just in case I still missed one.
When our cat needed pills it would eat all round the pill, we had to physically push the pill into its throat. I'm not quite that bad. Yet.

Anyway. yes: Deb is worried.

Yesterday on our first little adventure out in the car. she reverses, as usual, down the drive. Scrapes across the brick letterbox.
Gets out to check the damage and leaves the engine on. The car starts rolling further down the drive.

Worse yet... I just sit there. So non compos that I do not even think of grabbing at the handbrake.

All ends well, except for a new scrape on the car. Deb goes back to good driving, I open my eyes, all is back to normal safe standards.

Interesting: a couple of years ago Deb spent a night in hospital. I drive to pick her up. Pretty much the same story -- I scrape the side of the car against a concrete pillar in the hospital carpark. I'm worried about Deb more than parking the car.

Is Deb worried?

Me? yes, a bit worried. But... so what.
Deb will be okay. Deb and the boys assure me: Deb will be okay :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

We know that the nature of genius is to provide idiots with ideas twenty years later... Louis Aragon

..Dying for you to Read my blog:

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