Monday, September 11, 2017

a dream of a taxi

Okay, here's another dream "captured" early Monday morning. My immediate notes are:

==> taxi ride... where am I, it's been a very long drive... not a scam attempt... pay by eur/usd/wav?... deb asleep in back may drive away... 32 -- eur... written on silver coin using light pen? ... woman taxi driver... other anon passenger <==

Those notes are my attempt to -- very quickly -- capture the important memories. Before they fade. My idea is, to fix the fading memory so that I can quickly get back to sleep. The notes must be enough to remind me -- later, after several hours sleep -- just what the dream was about. I think it has worked :-)

First, though: This dream is completely different from the one captured a few hours earlier. The earlier one repeated itself -- in overall concept, anyway -- each time that I woke up, every hour or so for several hours. Now I have moved on to a new dream.

Does it help to record the dream? To let my mind know that I can let go of the underlying idea... whatever it is? To let go and move ahead, to deal with a fresh idea. That "letting the mind move on" is my current theory :-)

So, to the taxi dream:

I'm at the end of a taxi ride. Okay, it's a long journey -- under control of someone else. Is the taxi driver standing in for doctors? My conscious mind believes that it's been no time at all... My dreaming mind seems more aware that it's been two weeks since I collapsed.

Wow! No, it doesn't seem to be nearly that long, to my conscious mind! If pressed -- off the top of my head -- I would have said a week. Possibly less. Until I think about the definite fact of three Sundays in that "week". Well done, subconscious!

Speaking to the taxi driver, I need to convince her that, no, I am not attempting a scam. I'm just not certain how to pay. Meaning: This is all *real*, isn't it?! I'm telling *myself* that I really am being treated for terminal cancer. Get thee behind me, self denial :-)

Payment may be made in Euros, US Dollars or this strange WAV currency. WAV? I know that... it's my version of a WA state-based currency. One of the ridiculous ideas that came with the equally ridiculous recent suggestion that WA should secede from Australia.

When I was home again after hospital, I skimmed some of the newspapers that I had missed. Skimmed, looking for lighter news. And I must admit that one of my best laughs was from the suggestion that WA should secede. I laughed at the suggestion. I added the idea to my dream. Pure entertainment value...

Deb is asleep in the back of the taxi. What if she stays asleep when the taxi drives away? Yes, this is a serious worry for my waking mind, as well. Awake, I worry about Deb being left alone. Asleep, the separation is slightly different -- but still only a possibility. Not yet a definitely realised fact. More denial. A denial that I like :-) (As long as it does not stop me *acting* on the *real fact* that Deb will live when I die. She'd better, anyway...)

32 Euro fare? No idea why. Written on a silver coin by a "light pen"? A direct steal from a tv show last night, using graphic tricks to show what was written on an ancient written record.

A woman taxi driver? Perhaps best to not look too closely... Another -- anonymous -- passenger in the taxi? Hmmm... Am I worried about the impact of my death on people that I don't even know? No, I don't believe that I am that interested in the welfare of strangers. Unless I am considering the impact on people with whom I have interacted... even worked... and am now abandoning...? That sounds like a good ego-boosting interpretation :-) I'll take it. For now.

End of dream!

Meaningful? Deep? Helpful? In one sense, yes, helpful: It helps *me* by keeping my mind occupied... Or, more accurately, distracted.
Thanks for reading :-) If you did...


And here's a "reward" for reading so far:

I  now have a huge appetite. Yet my weight is stable... or slipping down very slightly. So I may just write a health food book. It will be called, "Dying to be Slim".

rofl :-)

Well, thank goodness, my sense of humour is as good as ever :-)

Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"There are two ways of seeming strong; to build yourself up or to throw all others down. But only one of these is truly a way of being strong." Maniye Many Paths, per Adrian Tchaikovsky

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