Wednesday, September 13, 2017

another dream

Do other people have restless nights, waking occasionally ... for reasons other than to go to the toilet?! I do seem to remember -- in years past -- that I did, occasionally, have a restless night due to stress and worry. Then I visited my GP to ask about about a minor physical problem. He told me that a "possible cause" of my physical problem is mental (or emotional) stress. So I gave up stress.


So you are not surprised that last night's dream occurred as I was waking up to go to the toilet... But it did repeat:

I dreamt that I was given the choice of two actions. Choice A would leave me sitting, not particularly active, otherwise fine. Choice B -- as visualised -- had me striding forward... moving freely. In two dreams -- hours apart -- I chose B. Having chosen... I got up and went to the toilet. Well, I hope that the interpretation-- to that point -- is pretty obvious :-)

Then a third repetition of the dream had an interesting addition... interesting enough for me to take a note to remember the dream.

Why did the dream change? Well... Each trip to the toilet was followed by a drink of water, it was a thirsty night. So the third dream-wakening was at least as essential as the earlier two. And I may have been sleeping deeper -- later in the night -- so needed more effort to wake myself up.

aside: In an idle moment, a couple of weeks back, I read the Wikipedia entry on "bladder". What an absolutely amazing structure! Anyway:

I am being presented with two possible results: nothing much, or to walk forward freely. I am now so close to "awake" that I also / almost understand that this is my bladder talking. At the dream level I ask myself, Does this person *want* me to do "this" or to do "that"?! It's alternative actions rather than a yes/no decision. Is there an expectation that either A or B is the better choice?

Okay, I know where all this is coming from...

I spent some time last night writing an email: Thanks for letting me know about that alternative treatment. I'm glad to know about it. It's good to know that there are choices, I always enjoy considering alternatives. Etc, etc. I had been thinking about treatment choices, I dream about treatment choices.

And then dream version 3 adds its new twist:

I'm wondering, Does this (off-stage, unseen, unknown) person "want" me to choose A... or B? Is there a *preference*? Suddenly I am holding a single sheet of paper with typing, all in upper case:


There are a lot more words. That is all that I read, it is clear that DO IT is the total meaning of the message. And it is also clear that IT is neither A nor B ! Crikey! What to do? I wake up and go to the toilet... of course.

But what was all that about?! That sudden, third -- UPPER CASE -- choice?

Okay, I have choices. So I dream of choices. In practice -- if this dream is really about cancer -- I have already chosen: I will follow medical advice. Right up to the medical advice that says, there is no real point in doing anything more. Though I may ask for a second opinion :-)

Am I secretly hoping for a "better" choice? To be offered by a mysterious yet definitely expert person, the person who is already behind choices A and B? (I'm fairly certain it was the same person.)

Or am I telling myself that A and B are not real -- believable -- options. That the (in my waking world) already accepted "IT" is the only real option? Yes, I think that's it. Dream done. "Choice" confirmed.

With thanks, gratitude and love for those who care enough about me to offer me alternatives. I may reject all or part of the alternatives. I love you for your care and love.


Wow! this dream interpretation is difficult! Complicated... not always obvious... lots of possible explanations. A very enjoyable form of "thought experiment". As a more practical idea... I wonder if I can make a fortune offering a web-based dream interpretation service? Surely no-one else has thought of dream interpretation for both fun ... and profit :-)

Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Today you are You, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is Youer than You." … Dr Seuss

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