Saturday, September 9, 2017

but what if I'm Wrong?!

A bit of discussion yesterday, some thoughts overnight. Made me think: But what if I'm Wrong?!

No, no, of course not. I'm never "wrong". I may not always be "right" but I know that I am never "wrong". (Don't worry: you may also be "right". Even while disagreeing with me.) But that's not what I mean...

What if -- for example -- I lean back, close my eyes, mutter, "I reckon it'll rain tomorrow." And you have seen the forecast: Fine & mild for the next week. Do you think...

Poor old bugger. He's dying. Better not upset him. So you say, "You're right, it'll probably rain tomorrow."

Wrong! Wrong and Wrong!!

I'm dying. Sooner that you (I hope). Doesn't mean that I need to be treated with kid gloves. No need to tip-toe round just in case I play my, I'm dying therefore humour me, card. I may still play it... but it's just another part of the conversation.

If I am obviously wrong -- feel free to tell me. If you want to.

If I ignore you -- or deny your rightness -- or simply say, it doesn't matter... That's just a part of standard conversation.

aside: I do worry that my own death is too much part of my conversation. You may want to hear more... or perhaps not. Feel free to let me know... politely, I hope. Or just do the usual thing... ignore me... or go talk to someone else.

What! Me, offended? That's okay, I've been offended before.

Making allowances for my expected, increasing lapses, fine. The worse I get -- the less I will notice. Or care. But please: don't feel that you need to "keep me happy", to "not upset the dying man". While I remain alive and aware enough to notice efforts to not upset me -- I will notice and be upset by those same efforts... Maybe :-)

Or perhaps I'll simply think, That's nice, so nice that this person cares enough about me to be careful not to upset me :-) But in general terms:

If you believe that I am wrong... and you believe that it is worth telling me, for conversation, politeness or simply the sake of a good argument... There is no need to hold back.

If I'm upset... or offended... or whatever: it's what happens -- in any human interaction. It happens. It has happened before. If it happens again I will get over it -- possibly, sooner that usual :-)

Best suggestion I can make is, Do it politely! If you can :-) (I know that I have not always been polite...) Act as you usually would. To any person, dying sooner or dying later.

Try to be considerate. Try to be polite. If you believe that "it" needs to be said, say it. And that applies... at any time. With any person.

Here endeth the lesson :-)

Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"I have an above average QI." … per Ginger Meggs

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