Monday, September 18, 2017

nervous energy -- or drug-fuelled frenzy?

I stayed up late last night, too restless to sleep. Woke up a few hours later, ready to blog some more... Blog, breakfast, blog ... more. Exchange several emails.

Feel exhausted. Crash for half an hour... Washing is finished, hang it out, eat a hearty lunch, do another load of washing. Sit down to rest, sit up to read, bounce back up. More emails, more blogging. No longer sleepy. Ready to put out bins, take in washing, read a bit but reading seems too sedentary, I'm reading just a couple of chapters at a time. I'm still restless.

I've had these restless nights, occasionally, for years. Roiling thoughts, can't relax, better to get up and deal with whatever is that is keeping me awake and thinking. Though I'm starting to get cross at my typos, as I hit the keyboard far too fast... My mind is moving too fast for my fingers :-)

But is this really "normal"?!

Yes, I seem to have good reason to be... excited. Plenty to think about. But I think that I am coping... quite well. Am I "coping" -- but still nervous... full of nervous excitement... a restless underlying, unacknowledged feeling of, AAaaarrgghhhh... I'm gonna die !!

Or am I in a drug fuelled frenzy?

One of my drugs is... hexadexawhatever. A common drug for a variety of good purposes. One well-known side-effect is that it "accelerates my metabolism". So I have a very hearty appetite.

I eat a lot. I burn fuel faster so the extra food is... burnt quickly. Evidence: my weight is staying within a narrow 500g range. Despite eating at least 50% more than usual.

Where does all that extra energy -- from burning the extra fuel -- get to?

Am I burning extra fuel... Gaining extra energy... So needing less sleep? Is  the dexahexaIforgetwhat a key reason why I am not sleeping for very long?

Okay, fine, I think that's better than unaccepted worries :-) And nice to know if it's true. I'll ask for an expert opinion...

But if I'm burning fuel... *physically* needing less sleep... *mentally* getting less rest (getting cross at loss of keyboard dexterity)...

I may need to add extra Ommmmmm to my relaxation regime.

If I get an answer, I'll post it. Of course :-)

Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Humanity had been thrown to the brink of extinction by insane men in positions of power following one another, each thinking the others knew where they were going." … Donald Keene, in Shift

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