Monday, September 11, 2017

a most excellent day :-)

Deb and I go orienteering. Or -- as I believe that I suggested earlier -- Deb "goes orienteering" and I "go to an orienteering event". It's a beautiful Spring day, perhaps a bit muggy for those who plan to run. The wildflowers are blooming. And orienteers are as friendly as ever.

Friendly, sympathetic, perhaps curious, polite.

As we drive(*) to the event I'm a bit nervous. So far it's all been professionals, family -- or the almost-anonymity of blogger and email. How will I feel -- how will friends react -- face to face? Better to find out sooner -- I believe -- than if I hide away till I am "ready".

It's a great relief -- and a great pleasure -- to meet friends... To meet, greet, discuss death or not, to discuss other matters of equal importance such as the weather, the bush, the quality of this orienteering area. To remind myself that life -- while it exists -- is for living. Plus, I have a couple of opportunities to practice my, I can only remember snippets, anecdotes of the -- my -- City to Surf fun run.

Thank you. Everyone there. Whether you know who I am or not. It is a very enjoyable morning :-)

I did surprise one man who asked, How are you? Well, do you really want to know? Sorry for the surprise... I hope you are not sorry to have asked :-)

One minor complaint:

There is an orienteer who has been my "competition" for a couple of years. No particular reason other than, I have thought that there is a vague possibility that I just *may* be able to beat him. I did... once. Then today... *Deb* beat him. Aaargh!! Why did you wait till *today* to suffer a major navigational challenge!! (Or, why did Deb wait till today to display her true turn of speed and navigational accuracy.) Ah well. Mumble mumble :-(

I have a chance to discuss the recent Ninghan rogaine -- and how it was so very different from the one on the same area, twenty odd years ago. That leads to my ideas for a Yoting rogaine. A second rogainer is perhaps willing to be involved. Good, that's enough excuse to send on any information that I have found so far :-)

Picnic lunch in the bush. Casual chat. Time to drive(*) home.

(*) "We" drive. As a man who has had a recent seizure -- a fit -- I am not allowed to drive. So says Deb, I'm sure it's true. Oh my Precious... I mean, my truck... Deb drives.

Of course Deb drives well. Plus a bonus, that Deb driving allows me time to learn -- and practice -- more about our "new" in-car GPS,a Hema HN7. The Hema lacks specific geocache capability, the road navigation is separated from the off-road maps. Otherwise it seems to be very good.

I also pass on all sorts of advice on driving the truck. All good advice, of course. Deb politely listens. I'm in my element :-)


Home, rest, sleep -- for me -- while Deb ices the carrot cake. A bit later: the kids arrive. Today is our grandson's birthday. What can I say?!

aside: I like the Pride & Prejudice view on marriage. Deb & I began with two sons. They each married. Now we have the same two sons plus two daughters. My "immediate family" is my wife, our two sons, our two daughters, plus one grandson.

I'm surrounded by my immediate family. There's obvious concern but the evening is all about, family enjoying each other's company. I do get to show off my new scar to the one family member who is impressed by such things :-)  I occasionally remind myself to wipe that silly grin off my face :-))

It is a most excellent day :-)


Later, an email from older son: He and his wife have decided to move their near-Christmas holiday to a location closer to home. He mentions several reasons including, my current "diagnosis". I reply that I'm glad that I was mentioned or I would have assumed that it was all about me :-)

I track down and send info on a place where Deb & I stayed -- a place we liked -- a few years ago. My email filing system works well !

Now just... unwinding. A couple more emails, personal and other. Add some items to my to-do list, tick off others.

Feeling happy. Feeling a touch of confusion as to why I can be so happy :-) I can hear rain settling in outside, I'm comfortably inside. I'm ready for bed.

It's been a most excellent day.

Thank you.

Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"I have an above average QI." … per Ginger Meggs

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