Sunday, September 3, 2017

passing it all

Still Sunday, Fathers Day -- 10:30pm

I've just been woken up for the usual inquisition. No pills, no jabs, just heart, blood, mind being tested. And my bladder.

This is a regular, and a surprise when it first happened: I go to the toilet, pee, there is still a cup of urine left in the bladder. Interesting, I think.

Tonight, a "random" test, I am to pee then call for a test. Since I am awake anyway (for blood pressure etc) I pee and call the nurse back There is zero urine left! Absolutely none! The nurse doubts her measuring, I doubt her machine... but there is no trace of urine.

I did consciously think, have I peed all? But -- as far as I can tell -- I *did* nothing different. Hmmm.

My only guess: I've drunk less tea, less anything. Went to the toilet before absolutely necessary. Perhaps the bladder has not stretched... so can quickly compress all the way back to zero? Needs to be tested, could be good -- if true.

 Why have I drunk less tea? Part of being in a hospital:

It seems that hospital rules -- lawyers' rules -- allow tea to be delivered only in a standard sized cup. I usually drink from a large mug. I'm getting less tea per serve and I can't be bothered going back for more.

I've taken to drinking a lot, to avoid cramps after running. I may have to look for a better balance -- just enough tea (or water?) to avoid cramping. Little enough that my bladder can cope.

Alternatively... theory 2: Wake up and pee before I absolutely have to. Could have the same effect. New data, new ideas!

That's why this hospital stay is such an interesting adventure :-)

Now, better get back to sleep.

Hmmm... first... theory 3: It just takes my kidneys a few minutes to refill the bladder. Fifteen minutes typing & thinking. I'll go back to the toilet, see what is ready to flow...

Yep, more pee... Theory 3: fast acting kidneys, positive evidence :-)

I press the bell for the nurse, I'm ready to share the thrill of discovery.

Then I'll be ready for more sleep.

I'm pleased :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

Now so much more than a simple holiday blog: :-)

"We must learn from our past mistakes so that we can improve our new mistakes" … per Ginger Meggs

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