Thursday, September 14, 2017

some unrelated observations

You know how a special interest in one fact can focus your mind? On that one fact -- and on topics that seem, somehow, related? Heh, well, my own mind wanders further off topic than that... But here are a few thoughts that I do believe are related to the current blog purpose.

These thoughts are not at all new. Just, suddenly, nearer the top of my mind. So I'll dump a few ideas. To clear the top of my mind :-)

... will I lose interest in family matters?

My mother-in-law was always interested in the smallest doings of her family. Children, partners, grandchildren... Even when she knew that she was dying, she asked about and listened eagerly to family news.

Until very shortly before her death.

That was when I noticed that she lost interest. (I'm rude enough to notice things which, perhaps, need to be ignored. But at least I did not comment :-) Mother-in-law lost interest in -- or stopped asking about -- family matters. And died, very soon after that.

Did she realise that her own death was imminent? Begin to focus on her own lack of future? Not deliberately, no way. Yet perhaps her mind and body recognised what was about to happen. And prepared, by closing inwards, beginning the severing of ties to the rest of the world.

Will I die like that? Will I even notice such a process?! More importantly: will I notice -- and have time to blog -- any final changes of interest!? I hope so :-)

... will I die like Biggles?

Hmmm... Did Biggles ever die? What I mean is, Will I "face up to death" like Biggles.

I grew up reading Biggles. I accepted that Biggles' various heroic actions and attitudes were "right". I believed that they were widely accepted. (Well, I believed that until I actually grew up :-)

Occasionally -- as an adult, with a more realistic concept of death -- I wondered if I would be able to face death as bravely as Biggles. To stare unflinchingly in the face of death. To, perhaps, stand willingly between death and another person. Yet be ready to snatch and hold the smallest chance of survival...

Or will I be screaming, No! No! I don't want to die! Or, even worse, No! Take someone else instead!!

In practice, so far, so good :-) With no pain. No immediate threat. No *absolute* deadline... I'm pleased with my attitude. Will it  last if / when there is pain? an immediate threat? severe worsening of my quality of life?

I'm in no hurry to find out. But if I have time -- I will blog what I notice. Because -- even if I'm screaming and kicking and actually suffering... I'm sure that I will feel better for having written it all down.

... what if my cancer were inoperable?

This is a serious disappointment: my brain cancer has been removed. Sure, it will return. But it was not "inoperable". So there is no chance at all that I will be featured on Australian Story. Bummer.


There. Done. A few older but related topics, cleared from my mind. To be forgotten... or ignored... Or, at least they should not pop up again for further analysis.

Another cheery post to follow, then I think my thoughts will be ready to sleep... (Oh, wait, before I post the positive: I believe that I may be getting a cold. So much for feeling good... Sigh.)

Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Humanity had been thrown to the brink of extinction by insane men in positions of power following one another, each thinking the others knew where they were going." … Donald Keene, in Shift

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